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I learned watching my grandfather

The family's bowmaking lineage goes back at least six generations in Saxony's "Vogtland". Our family can be traced back to 1755 to Gottfried Herrmann, when bowes were made in high and stable quality.

My first impressions of bowmaking were formed in the workshop of my grandfather, Paul Hermann. He, in turn, learned the craft from his father, Friedrich August Herrmann. I began my apprenticeship in 1975 with Günter Paulus and worked with him until 1982, when I received my Master Diploma.

I acquired my trade license in 1983. My son, Thomas, has been working in my worksop since 1998. For outstanding achievement in bow making, I received in 1989 the title of "Anerkannter Kunsthandwerker" ("Acknowledged Artcraftsman").